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  You could have a big dipper   

Heard Immunity by Matt Fallaize

We’ve all had enough of the comfort

Of experts, sunlit uplands demand untold depths

Of bracing misery: as exquisite as the cane

That’s good for you. Remember Dunkirk

And pack your little boat with bog roll

There’s no crisis that

Can’t be solved by shopping

Think how we bought through the Blitz

Golf as the bombs dropped

Bowls as the ships neared

Britain where pain ends up

As an anecdote and we’ll

All lose loved ones (wipes a tear)

Before their time

But it’s how they’d

Want to go, doomsters, gloomsters

Remoaners, we’ll beat this thing with sang-froid

This is about us, this British crisis

And uniquely us, this is our time

You’ll laugh about this, in a few weeks

(and if nothing else

Think about the inheritance, eh….

I mean, it probably won’t

Be you…)

So chin up chaps

Toss your experts over the side

(something about White Cliffs

here, it’ll be such a comfort)


Matt Fallaize is a writer (and chef) based in Ormskirk, Lancashire, knocking out meals, stories and poems in wildly varying quantities. His most recent book, 99 Postcards for Georges Perec is available from KFS. You can find him (should you so wish) on Twitter @MattFallaize, or Facebook at MattFallaizeWriting .

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