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  You could have a big dipper   

Above the Reality that Would Catch Up to Us Soon Enough by Samantha Zimmerman

Nighttime calls and

we creep down the

hallway barefoot.

The bottoms of our

feet slapping against

the tile floors,

dodging heroin needles

as we ascend the stairs.

You carry my white blanket

met by humid air

city lights from the main

strand in Schenectady

illuminate the rooftop.

You lay the blanket down.

We talk about the possibility

of forever.

We listen to EDEN play

on your phone as water drops

on our heads from the awning

above us. You tell me you

love me and my stomach churns

in disbelief, because

I’m the only one certain that

this would be one of those

things that ended badly.


Samantha Zimmerman is a small-town New York poet who loves experimenting with creative non-fiction when she isn't crocheting or cuddling her pet beagle, Lyric. She is the current Managing Editor of Pine Hills Review and has two interviews published on the site with Dylan Krieger and Christina Olson.

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